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How to paint a High key painting

How to Paint a High key Painting.

Hello Everyone,

This time we are taking a high key picture as a reference. High key is a picture which has lots of light and the contrast and the shadows are very minimal. As watercolour is a medium which is transparent. We cant go dark to light so we will from light to dark.

Step 1

We will start drawing light shapes around the main floral shapes through our brush leaving the main flowers as they are the lightest and have white as their local colour.

Step 2

We will add more dark values in the middle ground still leaving the white flowers.

Step 3

We will paint the first White flower comparing the values. Since the light here is a cool morning light the shadows will be warm.

Step 4

In this step we will add the dark values in the background carefully maintaing the shapes and drawing of the flower and will simultaneously work on more white flowers.

Step 5

The last step is adding details after the big shapes. So details like small lines and some more dark and hard edges for defining the shape of the container and the edges of the flower will be added.


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